Resistance is Futile
JoinedPosts by Resistance is Futile
I told the baptist church pastor that I'm gay!
by TimothyT inhis reaction wasnt as liberal as i hoped it would be.
he said that we needed to discuss it.
however, gone are the days where im putting myself in the firing line and not sticking up for myself.
Do you think Witnesses would drink the "Cool-Aid" if told to do Jonestown?
by Witness 007 injonestown 1970's, jim jones brainwashed his 900 member cult into committing mass suicide by drinking cyanide cool-aid.
only three escaped.
{the smart ones} one man hid under a building....another escaped into the jungle while armed guards dragged another member to get injected by force.
Resistance is Futile
I think the real problem would be that JW's have been trained to not partake for so long that it would be a force of habit to just pass the Kool-Aid.
Maybe only the Anointed will get to drink the Kool-Aid and the great crowd will somehow benefit indirectly from their sacrifice.
by blondie inthis appeared in 1975; i was 23 at the time.
i don't remember this article and if i had been born in 1975 would the 36-year-old i'd be today be motivated for any reason to research it.. *** w75 11/1 p. 651 insight on the news ***insight on the news pray now, pay later.
the phrase pray now, pay later appeared in a headline of the philadelphia inquirer in reporting on a church experiment due to go into effect shortly.
Resistance is Futile
So much crap has been printed over the years by the "Society" it's probably hard to keep track of everything.
Kind of like a compulsive liar who gets caught in his own lies because he simply can't remember all the nonsense he's claimed over the years.
How many religions have been started by former JW's?
by Resistance is Futile inserious question.
this seems to be a myth that exists among jw's.
they claim apostates have left and started their own religions.
Resistance is Futile
Serious question. This seems to be a myth that exists among JW's. They claim apostates have left and started their own religions. Well which religion has been started by a former JW? ...........................
Ask a JW that question and then watch them change the subject.
by TimothyT inhere is an email i received from one of my friends who is still a jw.
she would like to know my feelings on the matter of organisation now that im disfellowshipped.
i have written my thoughts below the email.
Resistance is Futile
Keep it simple, perhaps address the issue she brought up about John 6:68. She is making the very common JW mistake where Jesus=The Watchtower. Of course you can't directly tell her that, get her to explain what the scripture means.
Occult influence via TV/Movies/Music
by IMHO inhow much influence do you believe the demons can exert on people through such media?.
Resistance is Futile
None, they're not real.
What it really comes down to is that "demonic influence" is a cop-out to excuse people from taking responsibility for their own actions. You take reponsibilty for your actions and how those actions affect the people around you. No, you don't get to blame your behaviour on the influence of "magical invisible spirits".
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-11-2011 WT Study (CLEAR WARNINGS)
by blondie in(b) from where do false teachers often come, and.
false teachers are like dried-up.
about false teachers.
Resistance is Futile
Circle the Wagons. These kinds of articles are actually very dangerous to the members, what they do is increase the paranoia inside the congregation. They're basically admitting that "apostates" are now inside the compound.
Visa, Mastercard
by stillin inthe recent post from barbara anderson prompted this dialogue between my wife and myself on the way home from the meeting this morning:.
stillin: i heard that some of the churches actually are swiping your credit card so that you can make your contribution that way.. stillin's very-stillin wife: i'm not at all surprised.
how much lower can they go?.
Resistance is Futile
Very well played. Now you have to practice your suprised and shocked expression when you two see the credit card terminals. Really sell it.
Am i worthy to partake of the bread and the wine?
by TimothyT ini need to ask a serious bible based question regarding the bread and the wine that jesus passed around on the night of the passover.. i understand perfectly what these mean, and i understand their relevance, however im struggling to understand, after 15 years of indoctrination, if i am deserving to partake of them.
today at the baptist church, we were all offered the bread and the wine.
i wanted to partake but i still feel that i do not have the right to, as i am not of the chosen nation.
Resistance is Futile
Read the account of the last supper in Luke. The new covenant was not only with an "Annointed Class". What does it say at Luke 22:21, and why does this one simple scripture completely destroy the misinterpretation of the Watchtower?
Why can't regular pioneers get some of the money back that they use out in field service?
by Joliette incan someone please explain this to me: gas money, handing out endless amounts of publications, magazines, tracks, etc.
why can't get some of this money back, tax write off, etc?
why can't this happen?
Resistance is Futile
"What do the publishers and poineers get out of the deal?"
A ticket to a magical paradise.
You know what always blew my mind, was that before the tax laws were changed in 1990, JW's used to have to buy all their Watchtower merchandise. And they then had to go door to door selling Watchtower merchandise in order to "earn" their eternal salvation. Seriously, people couldn't see that con for what it was?